Baton Rouge Region receives $25,000 grant from the Wilson Foundation 05/13/2008
On April 30, Gulf Coast Teaching Family Services, Inc. was awarded a $25,000 grant from the Huey and Angelina Wilson
Foundation. The grant will provide a new Activity Center that will be a safe place for GCTFS consumers to
experience new learning opportunities, encourage social interaction and make new friends. The goal
of the program is to integrate people with physical, mental and emotional challenges into the
community and to interact with others.
Specifically, the grant will be used to purchase computers, special needs software (providing
instruction related to money skills, personal hygiene and safety, among others), multi-adjustable
workstations, chairs, educational games, a refrigerator and a microwave.
Program director, Mona Ardoin said “More and more parents of younger consumers are extremely
interested in seeing that their loved ones achieve all that they can in life. The Activity Center will go
a long way toward furthering that objective.”