Meet the Gulf Coast Cruisers! 11/05/2008
The Lafayette office has a group of workers who have deemed themselves the "Gulf Coast Cruisers" who walk in various walkathons for charity.
On Friday evening, October 24th, the group walked 1.25 miles for "A Walk Away from Violence" in honor of Domestic Violence month, sponsored by Faith House, a shelter for battered and abused women and children. The 8 GCTFS participants sponsored themselves for this event. They did a power walk through the local park and shared a great time with the 50 other participants to the first edition of this walk.
The next morning, the team woke up early to walk for the 4th annual Buddy Walk for Down Syndrome.The Lafayette office sponsored 7 participants for this event. It was a one mile walk through downtown Lafayette, with over 1000 people from the community participating in this event. It was a great way to spend a bright and cool Saturday morning! Before and after the event, there was food, drinks, and prizes for all participants.
The Gulf Coast Cruisers (from left to right)
Seated: Michele Hargrave, Bernie Jolivette, Wendy Williams
Back row: Janet Dwyer, Kandice Duhon, Emma Pete, Virginia Johnson